Friday, June 17, 2011

SETI: the search for extraterrestrial intelligence

the possibilities:

there are :
100 billion galaxies in the known universe (approx.)
each galaxy contains 400 million stars (approx.)
each star can have several or many planets, many of them capable of supporting life.

within our own solar system, there are two strong possibilities that could contain microbial life, europa and titan. evidence confirms that mars once sustained liquid water and life; however it was most likely low on the evolutionary scale and not advanced or intelligent . (the molten iron core of mars, which generates the magnetic field, cooled long ago. when this happened the magnetic field could no longer protect the atmosphere and within approximately 10,000 years, the atmosphere was stripped from the planet by solar radiation, at which time any and all life disappeared. this event has been dated to 4billion years ago by an impact crater at that time that displaced only rock, no water or atmospheric debris. this date is doubted by some, as the formation of the planet would have been in its infancy and may not have had enough time to form an atmosphere. mars is smaller than earth, so it would make sense that the molten core of mars would cool sooner than the earth's, but not 4 billion years ago.if this can be proven in more than one way, i think it will be more accepted.).

within our own galaxy, there are approximately 10,000 possibilities of planets that could currently support intelligent life.
is that figure the same for every galaxy in the universe?

10,000 possibilities (within the milky way galaxy) times 100 billion galaxies = a highly probable and possible number that life exists and is intelligent.

is this intelligent life advanced enough to communicate? that remains to be seen....

is there life elsewhere in the universe?
yes.   definitely without question.

 is this life intelligent and as advanced as humanity or beyond?
most likely.

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