Friday, June 17, 2011

earth's magnetic field and pole reversal. the science, not the hype

the magnetic flow of the earth's magnetic field.

the earth's magnetic field has reversed many times in the past and will reverse again in the future. but the reversal will not happen on a specific date and will not happen within our lifetimes. evidence from many different areas, including clay pots throughout history, computer models from super computers, pre-historic volcanic lava floes, nautical navigation records and more, has shown we are entering the beginning phase of a pole reversal.
the earth's magnetic field deflecting solar radiation.

the earth's magnetic field can be measured in clay pots. small amounts of magnetite within clay heat up in the kiln and reform according to the earth's magnetic field. so a record of the magnetic field can be measured and recorded from ancient clay pots. the trend observed, over the last 11,000 years indicates it has weakened in the last 2000 years, and especially within the last 300 years, signaling the beginning of a pole reversal. measured analysis of the current field has shown a weakening of the field in the south atlantic, confirming these results.

data obtained from ancient clay pots.

geophysicists, astrophysicists and geologists all agree that poles will reverse again and will reverse soon. but "soon" to these branches of science is roughly 3000 or more years from now. and the shift will not happen over night, but take several thousand years to complete the reversal. during this weakening of the field, the earth's protective layer, will let in more cosmic radiation, which could increase the amount of cancer and cause other variant results to life on earth. it is interesting that when this shift begins to happen, there will be 3 or 4 magnetic poles and the northern lights, auroras, will be visible from just about everywhere on earth.

the pole reversal process.

according to results measured from lava flow samples, the poles reverse, on average, every 200,000 years.

the last time the earth's magnetic poles reversed was 780,000 years ago.

image of earth sowing multiple poles.

(this is just the science, not the psychic doomsday predictions.)

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